Hey, what's a nine letter word for a one hump camel? Finally, Crossword doesn't feel like Solitaire anymore, because now you can try to solve it alone or with friends. We have a stockpile of puzzles, from easy to confounding, developed by one of the world's authorities on the Crossword. By the way, its 'Dromedary'.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Hey, what's a nine letter word for a one hump camel? Finally, Crossword doesn't feel like Solitaire anymore, because now you can try to solve it alone or with friends. We have a stockpile of puzzles, from easy to confounding, developed by one of the world's authorities on the Crossword. By the way, its 'Dromedary'.
Texas Holdem
Why Chicken Why?
MobilePet Dog
MobilePet Monkey
It's like MobilePet, only better. With MobilePet, you could always take your pet with you, wherever you go. Now, with MobilePet Online, get more pet choices, let your pet play with other pets online, and share your caretaking responsibilities with others in your clique. You can even have your pet let you know when it needs attention by having it send you an SMS message.
The Battle for Orion's Belt
Download Now!
Pirates Ahoy - Cast off! Fight for gold and rum while being a Pirate in the Caribbean Sea!

- Absolutely easy to control
- Four characters with distinct AI behaviour
- Cute graphics in the Caribbean style
- Hours of fun for up to four players at the same time (hothand-mode)
- Randomly generated maps
- Pirat-O-Mat (a different form of selecting the characters)
- Unpredictable incidents (wind and swirl)
- Demo mode
- Treasury chests with various extras
- Sound effects, voice and vibration (depending on the device)
Instructions / Controls:
Ahoy! Defeat in the single player mode mighty computer pirates or fight fierce sea battles with up to three enemies in the multiplayer mode. Goal of the game is to become the best pirate within a certain number of rounds (multiplayer) or to survive as long as possible against the computer (single player). A move consists of three parts: Choosing the direction, selecting the distance and an attacking mode in which a ship within reach is attacked. You control the ship using only one single key. Wind will influence the direction of the ship, you'll find a wind-indicator at the top right side of the display. Be aware of dangerous swirls which might let your ship drift off. After each move an overview shows the condition of the ships, gold coins collected and the current special for each pirate. You get gold and full energy if you destroy the enemy's ships by cannonballs. It's also possible to sink other ships by ramming them but note that your ship will be considerable damaged by such a manoeuvre as well! The sea dog able to withstand the attacks of the others the longest wins the round. If you sink a ship you'll get a gold coin for each player taking part. If you win a round you'll get two coins for each. In case your ship sinks due to a collision with another ship or a bomb or it runs aground you lose as much gold coins as player taking part. The player having the most gold in its treasure chest wins the game. More info at www.handy-games.com
Control the player with Up (2), Down (8), Left (4) and Right (6) buttons.Your task is to steal as much territory as you can. Watch out, as the enemy flyers can hit you once you're on their territory. Even hitting your flight trajectory will kill you and you'll have to start the level all over. Hearts on the top represent your lives, the stairs show current level and the black square updates you on the territory units stolen and units remaining to finish the game.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Driver L.A. Undercover (New Java Game)
Disclaimer: This download is for personal use (mobile phones) only. Kindly do not copy, modify, distribute or sell the whole or parts of this file without permission of the creator.
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Worms - Mobile Java Games
Spider Man 3 - Mobile Java Game
Disclaimer: This download is for personal use (mobile phones) only. Kindly do not copy, modify, distribute or sell the whole or parts of this file without permission of the creator.
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